“We work with Commitment, Perseverance and Determination”

Why Publish with us?
We are a division that aims to promote and sustain the “Value of Books“ to support our Valued Authors of every category, from newly launched to veterans. With great passion to the publishing industry, our experienced Consultants and Agents take leadership in augmenting the great potential of every talented authors by offering them local to International Book launching and publications.
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“We uphold the majority of Author’s goals to be traditionally published. With our Consulting expertise, we bridge the gap between the authors, especially the self-published authors, with book publishing and literary agents and by our connections, we collaborate with the main structure of this industry”.
They Laugh in My Language Video Trailer
Alphabet Zoo Video Trailer
Habitation of Devils Video Trailer
Click to see the AEGA Video Presentation
London Book Fair 2022 AEGA Publishing
Within you, lies an idea—a story worth sharing and telling.
Start your first page today.
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